School is finished and now a fresh start into the future
You can create the foundations for your successful future with qualified and practical training or a dual course of study in a highly motivated team.
We offer you an interesting and varied training position. During your training with us, you learn about the different business units with their various products, business characteristics and production processes. In line with the motto of "from professionals for professionals", you will be actively supported by experienced colleagues and trainers and will thus acquire valuable expert knowledge.
We should receive your application by 6-8 months before the beginning of training at the latest!
Trainees need to have sufficient German language skills.
Pupil and “taster“ internships
Do you want to take a look behind the scenes at a mechanical engineering company?
Then apply with us for an ”taster” internship! You can do your internship both in the technical and commercial field. You get exciting insights into our processes and interrelations with interesting tasks and small projects.
Have we sparked your interest? Then submit an application with your current CV and school report!
Please note that you should have sufficient German language skills.
Training at the Nuremberg site
The Leistritz Group's headquarters is in Nuremberg. Pump and extrusion technology and part of turbine technology have their production sites here.
Trainees from the technical field and students on dual courses of study will be trained in our in-house training workshop and will pass through a variety of production and manufacturing departments in the individual business units during their training period. The comercial trainees will become acquainted with the various departments of Leistritz AG and the business units in their training. In this manner, you gain a comprehensive insight into the company.

Our training offer at the Nuremberg site
Industrial mechanic dual course of study
Have we sparked your interest?
Then we look forward to receiving your application!
You can find tips about your application under application tips!
Please note: Trainees need to have sufficient German language skills.

Training at the Remscheid site
The factory in Remscheid is the headquarters for the turbine technology business unit and has been part of the Leistritz Group of Companies since 2005. We are partner for all renowned OEMs and module suppliers in the aircraft engine and power generation industry. Professional training has always been important to us for many years. Our goal is to qualify young people to take on interesting and demanding jobs and to support the development of their personality.
The trainees in the technical field will complete the first year of training in the external teaching workshop of a cooperation partner. After that they will work in various production and manufacturing departments in our premises. The commercial trainees get to know various departments during their training. This way they benefit from a comprehensive view of the company.

Our training offer at the Remscheid location
Electrician (m/f) for technical equipment and installations
Have we sparked your interest?
Then we look forward to receiving your application!
You can find tips about your application under application tips!
Please note: Trainees need to have sufficient German language skills.
Training at the Pleystein site
The Pleystein site is the home of the production technology business unit. We have been producing solid carbide tools, machine tools and tube components at this site since 1975.
The technical trainees will be trained to work in the production departments, where they will spend the majority of their training period, in our modern training workshop. Our commercial trainees pass through a variety of departments during their training time, bringing them closer to the business interrelations of the company.

Our training offer at the Pleystein site
Have we sparked your interest?
hen we look forward to receiving your application!
You can find tips about your application under application tips!
Please note: Trainees need to have sufficient German language skills.
Carina Müller
Human Ressources Leistritz Produktionstechnik GmbH
Tel.: +49 (0) 9654/89-825 Fax: +49 (0) 9654/89-812
Application tips for trainees
Have you found your desired professional training?
Do you want to apply to us but still have questions about our application process?
You can find answers on this topic here:
The selection process can take some time in a company. You should therefore apply to us before leaving school. Please send us your applications approx. 6 - 8 months before the beginning of the training period.
Your application portfolio should consist of three parts: cover letter, CV and current references.
Present yourself in brief in your cover letter! It is well known that first impressions count. You should therefore take your time and convince us of why you're exactly the right person for this training position. Perhaps you have relevant interests or qualifications which you could bring to the traineeship? How did you discover our company?
In your CV clarity is the top priority. You should therefore provide all of your key personal data at a glance in the form of a table. This includes your contact details, education, internships or extracurricular commitments.
The content of both applications is the same. The online application also consists of your cover letter, CV and references. For the online application, you send us your documents as PDF files by uploading them in our online portal. Please upload your documents using the respective fields where possible and take care to ensure that these do not exceed the maximum file size of 5 MB.
Our selection process comprises three phases:
1. Initial selection using the application documents
The overall impression has to add up! Here, an error-free cover letter counts just as much as good report marks in the subjects which are important for the advertised training position. For technical careers these are scientific subjects, for example, and for commercial training good knowledge of German and English are crucial, for example. If your application impresses us then we will invite you for a test.
2. Recruitment test
A recruitment test follows as the second step. If you convince us here again then you will be invited for an interview.
3. Interview
Congratulations! You have convinced us of your qualifications. We now want to get to know you better in person.